Voice Training For Speakers and Singers


Timothy C. Mitchell remembers that one of the few B’s he made in high school was in speech. That was because he stuttered so badly. When God called him to preach, it was like Moses all over again. “And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue (Exodus 4:10).” Mitchell is living proof that God can still use anybody if they give themselves wholly to Him and are willing to learn.

When he left for Texas Bible College, he had never been asked to sing a solo although he had faithfully sung in the church choir.
After many years of voice training, he realized why nobody asked. Today he is active in both singing and preaching.

“Consistency in vocal training and hard work provided the self-confidence I needed to stand before a crowd and verbally minister with results,” says Mitchell. “It is our duty as communicators of the gospel to present a message that is clearly understood. We need to be constantly reminded what Paul wrote to the Corinthians that if people come and cannot understand ‘ye shall speak into the air’ (I Corinthians 14:9).” Amen to that!

Includes instruction sheet and training video.

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